Creating tasty snackable content

December 15, 2021

At the dawn of websites and social media, the only content of significance were words – whether these came in the form of blogs or perhaps tweets.

Today, there are whole social media channels which rely on sharing content based almost entirely on images or short videos and, while blogs are still useful and engaging, content comes in many guises. 

Even newspapers, which rely on words and images are sharing myriad other types of content on their websites, such as video and infographics. It’s a case of appealing to all types of audience and keeping them engaged. And anyone running a social media channel knows that posts – wherever these might be – that contain an image or a video, receive more engagement. 

In today’s marketing world, these short pieces of content are often referred to as ‘snackable content’ and they are intended to appeal to a digital audience that won’t necessarily sit and read an in-depth opinion piece or interview but spends time scrolling through social media streams. 

By using snackable content, a brand is hoping to catch a potential buyer’s attention with anything from a meme to an animated gif or short video. ‘Snackable’ is just that – a bite-sized piece of digital content which is easy to consume and share. Used effectively, it will immediately capture the attention, rather like a tasty canape, whetting a consumer’s appetite for a larger ‘meal’ of content. 

Whatever type of ‘snackable’ content you decide to use – and most businesses will use a variety – it has to make a quick impact. And, while small, it has to somehow reflect your brand values. Often, they are design driven and while here at Target Ink we can grab our designer, many of us are not skilled in that department, there are free tools online, such as Canva, which help users to create semi-professional - looking snackable content. 

When creating original content, it’s often useful to base it around some exclusive research. Brands might traditionally commission a piece of research but, nowadays, it’s easy to conduct your own short polls online and share the results. The links to these quizzes or polls are easy to set up on Facebook or Instagram and are, arguably, another form of snackable content to engage with potential customers. 

Digital Marketing on Social Media

When sharing the results of a poll, it can be fairly boring to list the results. Instead, many marketers might turn to an infographic – another example of a piece of snackable content – to reel people in. These are a concise way of sharing facts and figures with some eye-catching graphics. In just one image, it’s surprising how much data you can share in an engaging and interesting way. 

There is still though a place for long form content – such as blogs and case studies. Google continues to score them highly and they still have an important role to play in terms of establishing trust and maintaining brand loyalty. That said, a good marketer won’t necessarily just put a link to a blog but they might pull potential readers/buyers in with shorter pieces of content – such as images or quotes from the feature. 

Marketers will already be familiar with repurposing content.  A blog which might be a ‘top ten tips’ type piece could be broken up into individual social media posts around each tip or a longer video might be carved up into shorter snippets to grab the attention. 

Originally, people would visit Instagram to look at images but now the biggest currency on that platform is video seen on Instagram stories and reels. Today, short-form videos are a popular form of snackable content. They could be cut from a longer video or be specially-created short stand-alone videos of 15 seconds or less. 

Snackable content represents a tempting menu of opportunities for businesses today.

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2 days ago

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra.

2 days ago

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra.
